23 April 2013 – Instructions to Tenderers for Works Contractors

1. A new ‘Instructions to Tenderers’ for use in a Restricted Procedure for Works Contractors using the Short Public Works Contract (ITT-W5); Invitation Letter; and Note for Employer have been developed.

2. An Invitation Letter and Note to Employer for use in an Open Procedure for Works Contractors using the Short Public Works Contract (ITT-W4) have also been developed.

3. Changes have been made to the instructions to Tenderers to reflect new arrangements for:

• The introduction of the new electronic Relevant Contracts tax (eRCT) system by the Revenue Commissioners in January 2012, which as a result the C2 certificate is no longer in use by subcontractors. This change will require to be reflected in the Department of Finance procedures for tax clearance in relation to public sector contracts and grants. Accordingly Circular 43/2006 is being revised and a replacement will issue shortly. In the interim, more details are available at http://www.revenue.ie/en/tax/rct/subcontractor.html. Note that the changes relate to use of the C2 only.

• A new suite of Notification letters, have been developed to replace the current model form letters 1.2 series and 1.3.

Note: These documents will be published on the website shortly and should be used in association with the revised ITTs published 23/04/2013. Current tender competitions, which are using the earlier versions of the ITTs, should use the model form letters 1.2 series and 1.3, which will continue to be available on the website under ‘Archives – Pillar 1’ when the new notification letters are published.

• Specialists – Section 5.10 (ITT-W2) and Section 5.11 (ITT-W1) – have been updated with separate instructions for (i) When a Candidate wishes to change a Specialist listed in the Works Requirements.(ITT-W1 and ITT-W2); and (ii) when a Candidate wishes to change a Specialist which it was initially pre-qualified with (ITT-W1).

4. The ITTW1 Invitation to Tender Letter to include the names of the Specialists who pre-qualified with the Candidates.

5. ITTW1 Note to Employer updated as a result of introduction of separate ITTW4 (Open Procedure) and ITTW5 (Restricted Procedure) for use with the Short Public Works Contract (PW-CF6).

The following documents have been updated to reflect the changes at 3. above:

ITTW1 v1.5 (dated 10 August 2011);
ITTW1 Invitation to Tender Letter (dated 18/07/2011);
ITTW1 Note to Employer (dated 01/03/2010)

ITTW2 v1.2 (dated 10 August 2011);
ITTW2 Note to Employer (dated 01/03/2010)

ITTW3 v1.2 (dated 10 August 2011);
ITTW3 Note to Employer (04/02/2010)

ITTW4 v1.0 (dated 7 October 2011);

ITTW6 v1.0 (dated 25 October 2011);
ITTW6 Invitation to Tender Letter (dated 25/10/2011);
ITTW6 Note to Employer (dated 25/10/2010)