1 May 2013 – ARM4 Supplement 2

A Supplement 2 to the Agreed Rules of Measurement version 4 (ARM 4) has been issued by the Society of Chartered Surveyors and is effective from 1 May 2013. Supplement 2 provides those preparing Bills of Quantities with the option to use a less onerous set of measurement rules than those included in ARM4 when measuring the mechanical and electrical elements of the Work Requirements. The Rules of ARM4 Supplement 2 relate solely to how information is presented in the Bill of Quantities / Pricing Document. It does not relax the requirement for the level of information to be provided to tendering contractors to clearly represent the design and specification of the mechanical and electrical services such that they may be constructed by a competent Contractor. Supplement 2 defines which of the ARM4 Rules it replaces. An Introductory Note to Supplement is attached and is also available at Appendix D4 of Guidance Note 1.5 ‘Public Works Contracts’.

Link to: ARM4 and Supplement 2 Note 01-05-2013