19 December 2024
The European Commission has launched an open public consultation aimed at the evaluation of the public procurement Directives. This includes Directive 2014/23/EU on the award of concession contracts, Directive 2014/24/EU on public procurement and Directive 2014/25/EU on procurement by entities operating in the water, energy, transport, and postal services sectors.
The evaluation will assess whether the rules established in 2014 are working as intended.
The feedback and consultation period extends from 13 December 2024 to 7 March 2025 with submissions made via the link above. This consultation is a European Commission initiative to gather the public’s perspective on how well the legal regime has worked since the Directives were established in 2014.
Feedback will be published on the Commission’s consultation portal, Have Your Say.
Note The Office of Government Procurement is participating in this evaluation process via the Commission’s expert groups on public procurement. This formal engagement at Member State level will be informed by the results of cross-Government and industry consultation to commence early in 2025. Should you choose to return feedback, directly, to the Commission, please consider sharing a copy of your feedback with the OGP via email: revision@ogp.gov.ie
A variety of feedback from different sources is vital to ensure that the Review is reflective of the issues faced in the current procurement landscape and how these Directives can be better placed to tackle them. Construction procurement related feedback is encouraged to ensure the industry is well represented.