Core BIM Requirements

This page is part of our BIM and the CWMF section.

The following standards will apply where BIM requirements are included in any public works project delivered under the CWMF.

1. ISO 19650

The ISO 19650 series will be adopted into the CWMF on a phased basis to impose standards on information for project delivery across the public sector.
ISO Website

2. Uniclass 2015

Uniclass is made up of a set of tables that can be used by different parts of the construction industry in various ways. 

Uniclass website

3. Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)

IFC is a standardized, digital description of the built asset industry. It is an open, international standard and promotes vendor-neutral, and usable capabilities across a wide range of hardware devices, software platforms, and interfaces.

IFC Website

4. International Cost Management Standard (ICMS)

ICMS are principles-based international standards that set out how to classify, define, measure, record, analyse, present and compare construction project life cycle costs in a structured and logical format.

ICMS website