The suitability assessment procedure involves inviting applicants to submit information in response to a customised standard questionnaire.
The Employer uses the information in the responses to determine which applicants – under a restricted procedure – or which tenderers – under an open procedure – meet the suitability standards. The standard approach to suitability assessment is intended to ensure only those service providers or works contractors that qualify against certain objective and transparent, non-discriminatory, proportionate and fair criteria progress to the next stage of the procurement procedure for publicly funded projects.
The Capital Works Management Framework includes a number of suitability assessment questionnaires that are used in different circumstances, as outlined in the list below. Links below are Word Documents.
Suitability Assessment for Service Providers
Suitability Assessment for Works Contractors
Supplemental Annexes
FSR Annex – V1.0 04/11/24 – To be issued if the value of the competition is €250 million or greater
IPI Annex – V1.0 18/11/24 – To be issued if the competition is valued at €15 million or greater and an applicable IPI Measure is in force (Works only)